Jamie's Music
"Excellent, excellent CDs man! I've been listening to them constantly and telling people about them. You do some damn fine work." -John O'Keefe
Wanting, Floating
"Wanting, Floating" - Reaching out beyond ourselves, beyond the Earth, beyond what we think we know. The SongsHappy Every Day - "I listen to the wise decisions that we make, we are light as a feather" Present Tense - "Living in the future trades in happiness for suspense, living in the past won't change it, find your happiness in the present tense" Moving On - "I sleep like a mountain, I dream like the dew lightly hugging a web, and when I wake up I'm dreaming again" A Gift - "This is a gift, we have a chance, a perfect moment, a terrible choice in our hands" Archaeopteryx/Fly Higher - "Fly higher!" Wanting To Believe - "Thinking and changing, reading the strata, holding each other, ignoring our clocks, making connections, riding on giants, transcending traditions, short spans of comfort in denial" Shake Out The Blues - "SHAKE out the blues!". Man Of A Few Words - "Man of a few..." Go, Go, Go, (The Dance) - Instrumental: How fast is fast? On "Wanting, Floating" Jamie sings and plays all parts: Violin, acoustic and electric guitars, piano, B3 organ, synthesizers, drums, percussion, bass, trumpet, and MIDI wind instruments. Recorded using renewable energy. Order "Wanting, Floating" today by emailing Jamie. Mom Goes To Mars
"Mom Goes To Mars" - The paths we take, the worlds we discover. The SongsClick to hear a taste of Mom Goes To Mars You're So Good - "What's that look in your eyes?" Modern Days - "You were gonna fly, take it all in stride." Now - "Hey my people, everyone, why don't we touch the heart of everything?" Follow U - "I see your path, I will not follow you." Live From The Next Century - "I love I laugh I play, be happy for another day." Anticipation Frenzy - Instrumental: Accelerating emotions! Ride this ride! A Celtic Celebration - Instrumental: Inside a colorful Celtic festival, feel yourself lifted by powerful rhythms! Fierce and friendly violin, bass and guitar are your guides. Retired Schoolteacher Growing Latently Decadent In Las Vegas - "Lined up like a schoolgirl sitting in a row, feeding in the nickels, watch them go..." Fanfare For A Wedding - Instrumental: Big questions posed by a regal orchestral parade...will they be answered? The guitar knows. The guitar answers. Now Is Now - "Now is now, love is love, I love you!" On Mom Goes To Mars Jamie sings and plays all parts: Violin, acoustic and electric guitars, piano, organ, drums, bass, synthesizers and MIDI wind instruments. Special guest Jennifer Thomas adds amazing background vocals on "You're So Good." Recorded using renewable energy. Order "Mom Goes To Mars" today by emailing Jamie. What people are saying: "I stand in awe of your mastery of creating beautiful music! After listening properly to Mom, I was blown away-the guitar breaks, the drum fills, the musical construction by the keyboards and violin have convinced me that you are a genius level musician." "Really enjoyed listening to your album...It is very accomplished! The first track is such a strong instrumental that one might think it was to be an instrumental album, which is far from the case as your vocal delivery is as strong as any of your tremendous talents!" "You have created and performed some seriously fantastic music! It is super creative with an amazing range in variety and really, really, REALLY well performed. Congratulations! I see that you sang and played all the parts on your albums. Very cool. Everything sounds great - and your keyboard skills / feel / sensibility really caught my ear." "Just wanted to let you know I really enjoyed your CD. Wow, you are uber talented! I thought you sounded a bit like David Bowie on Modern Days. You have a cool singing voice. But the whole CD is excellent." Open Eyes
"Open Eyes" - Revealing relationships with ourselves, each other and our mysterious universe. The SongsWhat Passes for Sex - I lie awake at work I work asleep in bed, sometimes between the two I let the shadow box command my head. She Was Never Wrong - even when she lied about you. Tried to reach her I am not there six feet away not in her day. Touch - We only touch our lives but for a moment and I believe we're doing fine. Waiting for an Echo - I will find a way to find you, I will find a way. 4.5 Billion Trips Around the Sun - (instrumental). I Have A Need - Beside the greed for the freedom that drives me, up like a weed in the field that survives me. One - Somewhere in the depths of your eyes you reflect the light of a million skies, you're the mirror where the universe checks its disguise, and you laugh again. Talking To Vegetables - (instrumental). Toward An Attitude - we can break free! Double Helix - secret code trillion sex tricks mother lode. On Open Eyes Jamie sings and plays all parts: violin, acoustic and electric guitars, piano, organ, drums, bass, synthesizers and MIDI wind instruments. Special guest Jennifer Thomas adds amazing background vocals on "Open Eyes." What people are saying: "The new CD has not been out of my CD player since Saturday Night." "'Waiting for an Echo' has been echoing through my head all evening." "I immediately loved 'She Was Never Wrong.'" "Probably my favorite part is the pairing of 'She Was Never Wrong' with 'Touch' - both have cool introductions and the contrast between them works so nicely." "It's hard to pick a favorite song, but I will go with "Open Eyes." "Jen's harmony vocals bring an excellent element to your vocal mixes." "We both like your CD a lot, and it didn't make it out of my wife's car CD player for 3 weeks after I first got it." "I've been listening to your CD and it's very good! You have tasty songwriting and fine playing. Your violin playing adds a uniqueness as well. Nice Job!" "Your CD has lived in my car for over a week now (that's where I have time to listen to things) and I still like "Toward An Attitude" and "Double Helix" a lot. "I Have a Need" and "One" have really grown on me, too. It's all pretty darn good, though. There isn't anything on there that makes me scream and hit the "next" button. :) (This is good, trust me, I'm picky)" "I just gave 'Toward an Attitude' another spin earlier today and would definitely recommend it. I'm not quite sure why, but the album it reminds of in terms of songwriting and production and instrumentation is 'The Grand Scheme of Things' by Steve Howe, although I think Jamie's a bit stronger in the words department." "My favorite tracks: 'What Passes for Sex' -- reminiscent of Dire Straits' 'Industrial Disease' for the sheer volume of words per minute of music, and '4.5 Billion Trips Around the Sun' with six words total." "I love it, my wife loves it and my daughter loves it!!!" "The violin is a great touch, I really like that." Currently sold out, Open Eyes is being prepared for a remastered international release. Stay tuned for news... Naked
"Naked" is Jamies unplugged CD. Each song was recorded in a single take. On some songs Jamie sings and plays acoustic guitar. On other songs Jamie sings and plays acoustic or electric piano. The SongsJump From A Plane - taking risks and the thrill of a new relationship. Matter of Time - the inevitability of natural attraction. Safe - the search for security in the face of a mind blowing paradox. Have We Overcome - our continued skin color confusion. Seeing makes us blind. My Everything - getting real about a relationship. As If - ghosts from the past vs. your true potential. The Wreck - One of those cars crossed over that line, it happened so fast, it might have been mine. Busted - drug policy busted. Nationalistic Anathema - challenges a common confusion between a symbol and that which it symbolizes, exploited all too often by politicians with varied agendas. Marlboro Man - a requiem for the actors who projected such a deadly successful image for the tobacco industry. Sadly and ironically, the actors died of cancer. Elvis Has Left the Planet - a poignant farewell to the star of one of our wackiest cultural circuses. What It Is - looks life directly in the eyes and draws its own conclusions. What people are saying: "I've been listening to your CD Naked. Once
again, very good!"
"Naked" is sold out. |
Copyright Jamie Krutz - All Rights Reserved